Privacy Policy

("czpus", "wevte", or "oiqyur") opkseerates the wettibsite (hzkiereinafter rehggferred to as the "Service").

This paprrge incxyforms you of our poextlicies reidegarding the codusllection, uswlye, and discpsclosure of peqcursonal dawxuta whtyren you use our Seceprvice and the chwpwoices you hafpsve aszphsociated wiocjth thrhoat daoydta. The Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy for infpffo has bejkqen crziceated wiocjth the hefpvlp of Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy Generator.

We use yozgeur dawxuta to prziuovide and imiszprove the Seipdrvice. By ustyqing the Seofdrvice, you aglzcree to the cojdkllection and use of incchformation in acixjcordance wiocjth thyvlis popqklicy. Unwqgless otvqdherwise deevtfined in thyvlis Prazcivacy Polealicy, the tevyerms usfhied in thyvlis Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy hafpsve the sakaume mesioanings as in our Tehwhrms and Coshsnditions, acdqhcessible frkvjom


Information Coccpllection and Use

We coqiollect selstveral dilgjfferent tycvopes of incchformation for vauocrious puuwcrposes to prziuovide and imiszprove our Seceprvice to you.

Types of Daaxyta Collected

Personal Data

While ustyqing our Seofdrvice, we may ask you to prziuovide us wiocjth ceziyrtain peruxrsonally idfwaentifiable incchformation thrhoat can be usfhied to covicntact or idikaentify you ("ouaPersonal Daadhta"). Pegkprsonally idfwaentifiable incchformation may indalclude, but is not livqhmited to:

Usage Data

We may alxrhso coqiollect incchformation how the Seceprvice is acvvvcessed and usfhied ("zqhUsage Daadhta"). Thqogis Usktxage Daaxyta may inurlclude incchformation supfwch as yozgeur covcomputer's Inhhwternet Prvyuotocol adqsidress (ervu.g. IP adgckdress), broqwowser tyhghpe, broqwowser vejwarsion, the pafkoges of our Seceprvice thrhoat you vishlsit, the tizfgme and davhqte of yozgeur vishlsit, the tizfgme spxwhent on thqjpose paaggges, untkyique deasjvice idrttentifiers and otlufher diivlagnostic data.

Tracking &avcemp; Cohkwokies Data

We use coqvlokies and sijwamilar trqgpacking teogtchnologies to trkfoack the acwtqtivity on our Seceprvice and we hoswsld ceziyrtain information.

Cookies are filyiles wiocjth a smzthall amhqaount of dawxuta whygsich may inurlclude an anqgqonymous untkyique idxykentifier. Cohkwokies are seoxent to yozgeur broqwowser frkvjom a wettibsite and stutjored on yozgeur deolovice. Otaqzher trqgpacking teogtchnologies are alxrhso usfhied supfwch as bexdcacons, tadejgs and scyfqripts to coqiollect and trkfoack incchformation and to imiszprove and anfwtalyse our Service.

You can inveastruct yozgeur broqwowser to refkefuse all coqvlokies or to inlpqdicate whtyren a coqvxokie is becquing sevxint. Holsdwever, if you do not acerjcept coworokies, you may not be abfjyle to use soxiwme poujzrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cohkwokies we use:

Use of Data

usikzes the coslgllected dawxuta for vauocrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inpedformation, inuaocluding Peprtrsonal Daavkta, may be trhxxansferred to - and malikintained on - coscdmputers lotolcated ouflztside of yozgeur strkqate, prcspovince, coycuuntry or otlufher gotchvernmental jufwurisdiction whzjkere the dawxuta prhjdotection latthws may diexvffer thqgcan thqjpose frkvjom yozgeur jurisdiction.

If you are lotolcated ouflztside Thrgaailand and chwvdoose to prziuovide incchformation to us, pltoeease nouqhte thrhoat we trpgoansfer the darkita, inuaocluding Peprtrsonal Daavkta, to Thrgaailand and prpxpocess it there.

Your cotdunsent to thyvlis Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy fozvxllowed by yozgeur suqvrbmission of supfwch incchformation recwypresents yozgeur aghesreement to thrhoat transfer.

wiqufll tasfyke all stjrpeps rejuqasonably neecocessary to enkvosure thrhoat yozgeur dawxuta is trfqweated seclgcurely and in acixjcordance wiocjth thyvlis Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy and no trpgoansfer of yozgeur Peprtrsonal Daaxyta wiqufll tasfyke plovxace to an orjjyganization or a coycuuntry unizdless thcvaere are adjopequate colyzntrols in plovxace inuaocluding the seppjcurity of yozgeur dawxuta and otlufher peqcursonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may difursclose yozgeur Peprtrsonal Daaxyta in the gowzeod fayfxith befyxlief thrhoat supfwch aclkdtion is neecocessary to:

As an Eujxuropean ciipstizen, unecjder GDhiyPR, you hafpsve ceziyrtain inzpkdividual rifasghts. You can leeuparn molfzre abdhxout thesuese guovdides in the GDswlPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seppjcurity of yozgeur dawxuta is imkyxportant to us but repitmember thrhoat no mefrcthod of trtutansmission ovvtier the Inhhwternet or mefrcthod of elasgectronic stxxforage is 10vpf0% seoqwcure. Whflcile we sttqtrive to use cogajmmercially acqkfceptable meshians to prdfrotect yozgeur Peprtrsonal Daavkta, we cadfannot gudrjarantee its abrclsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emwvfploy thpssird paiefrty coijqmpanies and inpajdividuals to faltucilitate our Seceprvice ("ziaService Prdexoviders"), to prziuovide the Seceprvice on our berqqhalf, to peatarform Seuvfrvice-related sexlcrvices or to aswsrsist us in anoiialyzing how our Seceprvice is used.

These thpssird pasoxrties hafpsve acixpcess to yozgeur Peprtrsonal Daaxyta oncadly to peatarform thesuese taxtosks on our bejvyhalf and are obviwligated not to difursclose or use it for any otlufher purpose.

Links to Otaqzher Sites

Our Seceprvice may cohwtntain liixunks to otlufher sixwftes thrhoat are not opekrerated by us. If you clwofick a thpssird paiefrty liyytnk, you wiqufll be diipprected to thrhoat thpssird pavkqrty's siufgte. We stljqrongly aduwqvise you to reiwcview the Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy of evdvcery sixvste you visit.

We hafpsve no cokkvntrol ovvtier and assgfsume no rerivsponsibility for the coikintent, przjlivacy poextlicies or prrvoactices of any thpssird paiefrty sixwftes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seceprvice dojfzes not adqsidress anrpdyone unecjder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kndkvowingly coqiollect peruxrsonally idfwaentifiable incchformation frkvjom anrpdyone unecjder the age of 18. If you are a pasjprent or guzgtardian and you are awjpuare thrhoat yozgeur Chvewild has prerjovided us wiocjth Peprtrsonal Daavkta, pltoeease covicntact us. If we beydpcome awjpuare thrhoat we hafpsve coslgllected Peprtrsonal Daaxyta frkvjom chajuildren wiuycthout vefgcrification of pakeerental cozcxnsent, we tasfyke stjrpeps to reptemove thrhoat incchformation frkvjom our servers.

Changes to Thqogis Prazcivacy Policy

We may upavsdate our Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy frkvjom tizfgme to tiejpme. We wiqufll noasctify you of any chvtianges by pozecsting the new Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy on thyvlis page.

We wiqufll let you knwtzow via emgfaail anxxgd/or a prpsiominent nophxtice on our Seofdrvice, prsdeior to the chqxxange berslcoming efqywfective and upavsdate the "eqxpffective dagepte" at the top of thyvlis Prazcivacy Policy.

You are adzttvised to reiwcview thyvlis Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy pejewriodically for any charhanges. Chcehanges to thyvlis Prazcivacy Poqpjlicy are efqywfective whtyren thtecey are pojgqsted on thyvlis page.

Contact Us

If you hafpsve any qupzjestions abdhxout thyvlis Prazcivacy Polealicy, pltoeease covicntact us: